
Get Ready for Virtual Summer Camp

The COVID-19 pandemic caused many things to move online in 2020 — school, work, grocery shopping, concerts, birthday parties, and even summer camp. While things are looking up in 2021 thanks to the vaccines and other successful spread-stopping measures, we’re not out...

Blueprint4STEM Launching Summer 2021

Your Search for Out of School STEM Programs Starts Here! With Spring Break peeking around the corner, Blueprint4 is excited to announce our latest adventure with STEMSTL. Later this summer we are adding Blueprint4STEM to our Blueprint4 family of platforms, giving St....

Blueprint4Summer 2020 Annual Report to the Community

Blueprint4SummerSTL 2020 Annual Report to the Community Our Blueprint4Summer team is closing the book on Summer 2020 – our 6th season of connecting area families to meaningful learning opportunities! This summer required our team, camp providers, and families to...

Fun Summer Activities for St. Louis Preschoolers

As things open up across the St. Louis region, families with toddlers are sighing with relief. After months of making stay-at-home fun with your rambunctious little ones, you can finally get those cooped-up kids out of the house for some summer fun! Here are some...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Summer Camp

The Impact of COVID-19 on Summer Camp A Survey of St. Louis Regional Parents & Families about Summer CampSt. Louis Regional Summer Camps are working to design effective and safe camp options for Summer 2020. To help them prepare, Blueprint4Summer asked 550+ St....