
Affordable Summer Camps for Teens in St. Louis

Calling all families of teenagers! We have a hot list of free and affordable summer camps for teens throughout the greater St. Louis area. From cheerleading to cybersecurity, find the perfect low-cost camp to compliment your teenager’s points of interest. Browse the...

The Best Summer Camps for Every Type of Kid

Need help making sense of your summer camp options? Here is an overview of the best summer camps for every type of kid in the St. Louis area. There are currently over 4,000 summer camp sessions listed on Blueprint4Summer, with more being added every day. With so many...

2021 Summer Camp Outlook- 2nd Annual Family Survey Results

2021 SUMMER CAMP OUTLOOK A Survey of St. Louis Regional Parents & Families about Summer CampSt. Louis Regional Summer Camps are working to design effective and safe camp options for Summer 2021. To help them prepare, Blueprint4Summer prepared their second annual...

Visit Blueprint4Summer’s 24/7 Virtual Camp Fair

Blueprint4Summer St. Louis Is Your 24/7 Virtual Camp Fair Blueprint4Summer St. Louis is thrilled to bring the summer camp fair to YOU for 2021! We invite you to use our app to explore this year’s camp programs and providers. Get important camp details and contact...

Planning for Summer Camp: Your Search & Signup Survival Guide

Finding summer programs can be tough. Learn our tips and tricks to make the summer camp search and signup process easier this year. Summer camp is one of the best ways to keep your child active and learning during the long school break. Sorting through all the options...

Why You Should Register Early for Summer Camp

They say the early bird catches the worm, but how early is too early to start planning for summer activities? Learn three surprising benefits of registering early for camps and classes, then start planning your summer calendar with Blueprint4Summer – where 2 plan 4...