Are you a camp or out-of-school program provider in St. Louis? You should list your camp on Blueprint4! The process is simple and you’ll get connected to more kids and families in the St. Louis region than ever before!
Let’s walk through some of the main benefits of listing your program with Blueprint4 (by the way, it’s completely free to list!).

Access to Families
When you list with Blueprint4, you’re putting your program in front of the eyes of parents and families who are already looking for programs for their children. The perfect audience for your camp is already out there, and we’ll help you connect to them on our search site. All booking/reserving is done through your own website; Blueprint4 is just another tool you can use to help families find your program.
Opportunities for Highlights
Blueprint4 has shared camp and out-of-school program information for over a decade. We are a trusted source of information for families to come to when looking for programs for their kids. When we share a camp on our parent newsletter, or post to our social media, or highlight a program on our website, we do it because we love the camps that list with us and we want to make sure kids have the opportunity to attend these programs.

Building Community
Every September, Blueprint4 hosts our annual Camp Summit. This event brings together camp providers from around the region to share resources, data and other valuable information to help you all plan for the year ahead. Many camps face similar challenges – from staffing to transportation to marketing – but also share in successes, like watching a child flourish after attending camp. Meeting and conversing with other program staff builds a community of providers who are working together to improve opportunities for STL youth.
Awesome! How do I get involved?
If this sounds like a community you want to be a part of, click here to download our Program Information Submission Form. When you’ve filled it out, email your form to our Programs Manager, [email protected]. We usually get programs published online within a week!
What if I already list on Blueprint4?
If you already list your program on Blueprint4’s search site, there are other opportunities to make sure your camp gets promoted too! Do you have an event, partnership opportunity or program news to share with other STL-area families or out-of-school program providers? Email your information to [email protected] to be featured on our social pages or included in a Blueprint4 newsletter. Including photos is always a big help!