
Fox 2: Use the Blueprint4Summer apps to help plan summer activities

Jan 20, 2017 | Latest News

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – Even though it is only January, Maxine Clark and Allie Cicotte are prepping St. Louis for the upcoming summer season. Today, they introduced new apps called “Blueprint4Summer,” which helps plan activities for kids ranging from pre-school through high school.

One of the recently launched apps, “Blueprint4Summer College Prep,” helps attract high school students and aid their search for college opportunities and visits. Clark and Cicotte join us with the details for these new apps.

For more information on summer camp programs in St. Louis, visit http://blueprint4summer.com. To search for college prep programs, visit www.blueprint4summer.com/college.

View the clip at: http://fox2now.com/2017/01/20/blue-print-4-summer-app-to-help-plan-summer-activities/